Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024)

Original Articles

Reasons for living in university students : Results in a Colombian sample
Diana Carolina Chavarro Barrera, Diana Milena Ariza Torres, Julian David Castañeda Muñoz
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Maternal Sensitivity and Mental Health in Latin American Mothers: A Systematic Review
Daniela Barrientos, Marigen Narea
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Beyond symptoms: an integrated look at the recovery of people diagnosed with Schizophrenia through blended approaches
Felipe Ponce-Correa, Alejandra Caqueo
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Emotional dependence as a mediating factor in the relationship between attachment and the use of social networks in young people
Olatz Barbarias-García, Paula Jauregui, Nerea Etxaburu-Azpeitia, Itziar Iruarrizaga, Leticia Olave-Porrua, José Antonio Muñiz, Ana Estévez
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Sociocultural influence on body, physical activity and anxiety are related to the symptomatology of muscle dysmorphia in young adults in Temuco: An exploratory analysis
Valentina Vargas, Javiera Sagredo, Michelle Valenzuela, Marcell Leonario-Rodriguez, Pablo Vergara-Barra
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Psychometric properties of adaptation scale parental socialization styles in chilean adolescents
Cecilia Mayorga-Muñoz, Leonor Riquelme-Segura, Ariel Abrigo-Muñoz, Andrés Jiménez-Figueroa, Isidora Nogués-Solano
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