Emotional regulation problems and mental health in adolescents in northern Chile
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emotional regulation
mental health
SENA regulación emocional
salud mental

How to Cite

Caqueo-Urízar, A., Mena-Chamorro, P., Flores, J., Narea, M., & Irarrázaval, M. (2020). Emotional regulation problems and mental health in adolescents in northern Chile. Terapia Psicológica, 38(2), 203-222. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-48082020000200203


The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between emotional regulation problems and mental health outcomes in adolescents from the city of Arica in northern Chile, in addition to describing and comparing the levels of internalized and externalized problems between men and women. A total of 2331 students from 11 to 20 years old from educational establishments participated in the study. To measure emotional regulation problems and mental health indicators, the System of Evaluation of Children and Adolescents (SENA) was used. The results show that emotional regulation problems have large and significant effects on both internalized and externalized problems. Likewise, it was observed that women show more depressive, anxious, social anxiety and emotional regulation problems than men. It seems that adolescents who manifest problems in regulating their emotions are more vulnerable to experience dysphoric moods, recurrent worries or disruptive behavior.

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