Manifesto for Psychology in Chile: On the subject of the revolt of October 18, 2019
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social mobilization
social movement
october 2019
Chile Manifiesto
movilizaciones sociales
movimiento social
octubre 2019

How to Cite

Salas, G., Urzúa, A., Larraín, A., Zúñiga, C., Cornejo, M., Sisto, V., Zambrano, A., Urra, M., Polanco-Carrasco, R., Caqueo-Urízar, A., Pérez-Salas, C., Acuña, P., & Kühne, W. (2019). Manifesto for Psychology in Chile: On the subject of the revolt of October 18, 2019. Terapia Psicológica, 37(3), 317-326. Retrieved from


Psychology as a professional and scientific practice should and must not remain isolated from the contexts in which it develops. Considering the deep feelings of discomfort expressed by the Chilean people during social mobilizations since October 18th, 2019, in response to the implementation for decades of a neoliberal model devoid of social justice, as psychologists we feel summoned to raise the minimum requirements we think our discipline must assume about that matter. Under these assumptions, a Manifesto is presented. It includes 22 items, which have been elaborated by 13 psychologists from several institutions that, in a collective effort, propose them as an agenda to work on in the next months. Knowing that this list is not definitive or exhaustive, we offer it to the community as a point of departure for deliberation, discussion and debate within universities, research centers, scientific and professional societies, and the state apparatus, in order to strengthen the role of psychology in the problematization and reduction of inequities and injustices, as well as in promoting psychosocial well-being.
PDF (Español (España))
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