This study proposes the adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scales for the assessment of individual propensity for sexual excitation and sexual inhibition. The scale was located online and it was administered with other measures of sexual functioning. The questionnaires were answered by 796 individuals from the general population (18-84 years old). The Exploratory Factor Analysis yielded a factorial structure which was similar to the one proposed originally (Sexual Excitation Scale, SES; and two Sexual Inhibition Scales, SIS1 and SIS2), which was confirmed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The scale was equivalent between men and women, as it reached strict invariance. Internal consistency is adequate. The SES dimension is positively related to sexual desire, while SIS1 and SIS2 are negatively related to it. The two measures of sexual inhibition are associated with worse sexual functioning. Men show higher scores on SES and women on SIS1.