Psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the satisfaction with life scale in Latino immigrants in Chile, Spain, and United States
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cross-cultural comparison
migration policy
factor structure comparación transcultural
política migratoria
estructura factorial

How to Cite

Berríos-Riquelme, J., Pascual-Soler, M. ., Frías-Navarro, D., & Maluenda-Albornoz, J. (2021). Psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the satisfaction with life scale in Latino immigrants in Chile, Spain, and United States. Terapia Psicológica, 39(2), 199-218.


Background: Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) is the most widely used instrument to assess subjective well-being in different populations. Aim: The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the psychometric properties and the factorial invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) in Latinos immigrants living in Chile, Spain, and United States. Method: A total of 663 participants over the age of 18 and who have lived in the host country for more than a year participated. Results: The results provide evidence of good internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's omega. Also, there is evidence for the unifactorial structure of the instrument through confirmatory factor analysis and for its invariance at the configural, metric, and scalar. Conclusions: It is concluded that SWLS is an invariant, and reliable measure to study life satisfaction in Latino immigrants in western countries.
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