Current perspectives and trends of the concept of parental alienation
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parental alienation
characteristics and effects of parental alienation
systematic review alienación parental
características y efectos de la alineación parental
revisión sistemática

How to Cite

Portilla-Saavedra, D., Moya-Vergara, R., & Pinto-Cortez, C. (2021). Current perspectives and trends of the concept of parental alienation: A systematic review of the literature. Terapia Psicológica, 39(2), 237-255.


The aim of this article was to carry out a systematic review of the current situation of parental alienation, its characteristics and effects on children and adolescents who experience these circumstances. The PRISMA-P methodology was used in order to determine the studies that were considered. 95 studies were considered from journals indexed in Wos and Scopus, of which 20 were considered for the review, according to the pre-established inclusion and exclusion criteria. A wide and diverse conceptual field was identified in which parental alienation is circumscribed, with both definitions from unifactorial and multifactorial explanatory models predominant. It is concluded that parental alienation is a phenomenon of broad scientific interest that defines a family dynamic of high hostility between parents after separation or divorce, which implies the establishment of family coalitions that result in the unjustified rejection of a child's contact with respect to his father or mother. Thus, it is also highlighted that these relational dynamics have negative effects on the mental health of children and adolescents, which shows the need to deepen and emphasize the importance of research in the area.
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