Chilean validation of the questionnaire of attachment evaluation in the adult CaMir shortened version
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relationship models
attachment strategies
adults CaMir
modelos de relación
estrategias de apego

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Garrido-Rojas, L., Guzmán-González, M., Calderón Carvajal, C., Santelices, M. P. ., Pierrehumbert, B. ., & Vega-Arce, M. (2023). Chilean validation of the questionnaire of attachment evaluation in the adult CaMir shortened version. Terapia Psicológica, 41(2), 195-231. Retrieved from


The CaMir Adult Attachment Assessment Questionnaire is a self-report instrument based on Attachment Theory that assesses relationship models in adults and allows describing attachment strategies. The objective of this research was to develop a short version for the Chilean context. The results of two studies are presented. In Study 1, a reduced version of CaMir was obtained under a cross-validation strategy. In Study 2, the reduced version obtained in Study 1 was applied to a large sample of Chilean adults (n=1246). The results show evidence that supports the proposed internal structure, and the invariance analysis support the existence of equivalence/invariance of measurement between men and women. Additionally, this version obtained significant correlations with the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, the Experiences in Close Relationships questionnaire and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. In summary, the results show that this new abbreviated version of the CaMir is an appropriate instrument for the study of relationship models and attachment strategies in Chilean adults.

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