Vol. 27 No. 1 (2009)

Original Articles

Copying Strategies, Anxiety and Depression in HIV/Aids Patients
Ana Milena Gaviria Gómez, Japcy Margarita Quiceno, Stefano Vinaccia, Luz Adriana Martínez, Martha Otalvaro
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Validity and Reliability of the Neugarten, Havighurst & Tobin’s Life Satisfaction Index (LSI-A), in a Sample of Adults and Older Adults in Chile
Beatriz Zegers Prado, Cristian Rojas-Barahona, Carla Förster Marín
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Construct Validity and Reliability of an Instrument to Assess the Impact of Female Images Presented by the Mass Media on Female Adolescents.
Maria larraín, Javier Camus, Yasna Orellana, Montserrat Arrieta
Proposal of a Strategic Group Work Model of Psycotherapy in Severe Depression: How to Go from Being a Victim of Depression to a Recovery Protagonist
Sonia Gutiérrez, Vicente Varela
Personality as a Variable in Psychotherapy Research: Outcome or Process Measurement?
Alemka Tomicic, Claudio Martinez
Tendencies in Clinical Psychology Articles in Iberoamerica
César Rey, Jorge Martínez, Smith Guerrero
Effects of a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment on the Increase of Self-Care Behaviors and Decrease of Secondary Traumatic Stress on Clinical Psychologists
Cristóbal Guerra, Andrea Fuenzalida, Carla Hernández
Psychometric Properties of the Self-Report Questionnaire Quality of Life KIDSCREEN-27 in Chilean Teens
Alfonso Urzúa, Edith Cortés, Susana Vega, Lesley Prieto, Kessia Tapia
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