Mentalization based interventions for parents and educators: A systematic review
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reflective function
preschool mentalización
función reflexiva

How to Cite

Santelices, M., Zapata, J., Fischersworring, M., Pérez, F., Mata, C., Barco, B., Olhaberry, M., & Farkas, C. (2016). Mentalization based interventions for parents and educators: A systematic review. Terapia Psicológica, 34(1), 71-80. Retrieved from


Recent studies have shown the importance of mentalizing or reflective function of caregivers as one of the variables that predict awareness and secure attachment in children. From this background there is a review of the literature on psychological interventions focused on promoting mentalizing or reflective function in parents and preschool educators. 17 studies published between 2000 and 2013 are considered. The results show that most of the studies analyzed and developed in theoretical models, with those who consider emerging studies based on mentalizing aimed at parents and educators interventions. Within the latter most are aimed at early intervention in children aged 0-3 years, with few studies in preschool children (3-5 years old) within an educational context that the effects reported in children.

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