Proposal of a Strategic Group Work Model of Psycotherapy in Severe Depression: How to Go from Being a Victim of Depression to a Recovery Protagonist


group psychotherapy
strategic approach
model Depresión
psicoterapia de grupo
enfoque estratégico

How to Cite

Gutiérrez, S., & Varela, V. (2017). Proposal of a Strategic Group Work Model of Psycotherapy in Severe Depression: How to Go from Being a Victim of Depression to a Recovery Protagonist. Terapia Psicológica, 27(1), 41-49. Retrieved from


This work is the proposal of the basis of a model of strategic group intervention in depression originated from the clinical experience of the authors and the systematization of a study carried out at the base Hospital in Linares between March and May of 2005. The Model attempts to show a different way of considering depression from a constructivist approach where the work with the patients resources is a priority and the use of strategic interventions to break depresogenas patterns. The first part aims to the theoretical principles of strategic group therapy; the second part focus on the therapy developed, anlysis and reflection of the outcomes and the last part shows the proposed Model, premises about the base and differences with the traditional model of intervention in depression.

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